Amuru Hot Springs

Amuru hot springs

Amuru hot springs

Amuru hot springs :A hot spring is a natural discharge of underground water with raised temperatures. The process leading to the formation of the hot springs occurs when rainfalls, river water and lake water sip into the earth where it is heated before being distributed to the surface.

Amuru hot springs are located in Paga parish, Amoro sub-county, Kilak county approximately 5km from Gulu town council. The hot springs cover 100 square meters and though under developed, it has a lot of potential in regards to tourism.  The springs are never dried up regardless of the season.

There are two hot springs, one believed to be female and the other male. The female hot spring is locally referred to as Wang Amuru while the male is called Wang Alero and is located in present day Nwoya district that was curved out of Amuru district.

It is believed that the gender of the hot springs is derived from their physical qualities. Wang Amuru for instance has three stones that sit closely together in the shape of traditional cooking stones. During rituals to appease the hot springs, the gods at Wang Amuru speak in female voices while the gods at Wang Alero speak in male voices. Trees overlap molded rocks that are formed like fountains. The fountains give off vapor that disappears into the air progressively in a beautiful curved pattern.

It is believed that the hot springs are visited for their strong historical beliefs and powers. The springs are said to have healing powers for those suffering from various diseases, infertility and this is done by simply bathing in the water or drinking directly from the springs. The locals however don’t think the hot springs are hold healing powers anymore.

The water is a source of salt for the locals as well as providing cattle for their cattle through a certain type of grass harvested from the hot springs with salt strapped to it

What to do at Amuru hot springs


For those who love staying in the wild, this is the perfect place to be as it is filled with the calm breeze, the sound of the springs giving off the water with the lush green vegetation characterized by wild scenes and the projecting life. The chirping birds in the wilderness are also a reminiscent of a love story.

Nature/community walk

The green tall interlocking trees over and above the village paths provide a shade and stretches from three kilometers.

Get a chance to visit the community, hear stories of the war that took place in this town and the effects are still visibly seen. Families have been broken, traumatized and the community has never been the same though they are slowly regaining their status as a town. You can also get to visit Omer Farming Company which is a commercial farm in Amuru district.

Murchison Falls national park

Plan a trip to Murchison falls national park which is 20km from Amuru town. Enjoy relaxing game drives where you will get to see the big five and other mammals and bird species, the boat cruise, hike to the top of the falls and take scenic photography while here.

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