3 Days Uganda Birding Trip

Destination overview

3 Days Uganda Birding Trip  : Echuya forest reserve is Ugandas most important forest habitat due to its rarity of flora and fauna with much potential for sustainable tourism initiatives facilitated by the dense human population and the growing interaction between the locals and the forest. It is situated in Bufumbira county in Kisoro District and Rubanda county in Kabale District and covers an area of 34 km.

The local guides found here are the real experts of the environment and can guide you best.

Day 1: Birding to Kisoro from Kampala

Setting off from Kampala with stop overs mid way for lunch, bird the whole way to Kisoro South western Uganda via Echuya forest reserve and the papyrus swamp in search of the Papurus Yellow warbler and Papyrus Canary which is seen by luck, also look out for the Carruthers Cisticola, Little Rush Warbler and Fawn –breasted Waxbill among other bird species.

Continue to Kisoro looking out for species like Handsome Francolin, Olive Pigeon, Western Green Tinkerbird, Archers Robin–Chat, Kivu Ground Thrush, Dusky Blue Flycatcher, Mountain masked Apalis, White –browned Crombec, Stripe–Breasted Tit, Rwenzori Batis, Dohertys Bush–Shrike, Montane Oriole, White napped –Raven, Dusky Crimson wing, Black–crowned Waxbill, Black–Headed Waxbill among other species.

Check into a hotel for overnight stay and dinner.

Day 2: Birding Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

After breakfast drive to Ntebeko Camp which is the starting point of your trek, take the gorge trail that loops half way up Mt Sabinyo through a variety of montane habitats looking out for birds like Dusky Turtle Dove, Grassland Pipit, White – starred, Common stone chat Robin, Mountain Yellow Warbler, Mackinnons Fiscal, White – napped Raven, Lagdens Bush–Shrine, Bronze Sunbird, Streaky Seedeater and the elusive Shellys Crimson–wing among other birds.

Dinner and overnight as before

Day 3: Bird to Lake Mburo and back to Kampala

Start the journey after breakfast to L. Mburo national park in search for bird species like Bateleur, Crested Francolin, Emerald– spotted Wood Dove, Brown parrot, Bare–faced Go–away bird, Blue –napped Mousebird, African Grey Hornbill, Spot–flanked Barbet, Yellow–breasted Apalis, White– eyed slaty Flycatcher, Stripe–breasted Tit, Rwenzori Batis, Fork tailed Drongo among many other bird species.

Lunch stop over in Mbarara town before proceeding to the park for birding after which you embark on the journey back to Kampala, Arrival will be evening.

Please remember to review us face book and trip advisor

 TOTAL TRIP COST: Click on link https://petnahafricatours.com/contact-us/ for quotation

Optional Activities; Visit L. Bunyonyi, Tour Igongo solar eclipse

 Trip inclusions; 

  • Birding in Echuya forest reserve
  • Birding in Mgahinga
  • Transfers
  • Birding in L. Mburo
  • Bottled mineral water
  • Accommodation and meals
  • Full time English speaking driver guide

Trip exclusions;

  • Visa fees, international flights, personal insurance
  • Phone bills, tips, laundry services and other personal expenses
  • Alcoholic drinks and extra activities outside the itinerary


  1. https://www.mia.go.ug/directorate/directorate-citizenship-and-immigration-control
  2. Country health status: There is no disease out break 

The following policies apply to all confirmed bookings made by the client;

  1. Cancellations received within 30 -10 days’ notice to date of departure will incur 25 % charge
  2. Cancellations received within 9-2 days’ notice to date of departure will incur 50% charge
  3. Cancellations received within less than 48 hours to date of departure incur the full charge
  4. No shows without communication over the whole safari period will be charged 100%
  5. Cancellations of bookings in peak seasons (Christmas, new year and Easter) received 60 days to date of departure will incur a cancellation charge of 100%
  6. Cancellations must be advised in writing via email to the reservations or tours manager

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